pre horse guideAlthough the population with the Andalusian horse breed in the United States is extremely small, the Andalusian includes a reputation, image, and, yes, a mystique that’s enormous. Many know from the breed, but few have direct exposure to the Andalusian. As a member with the International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association, perhaps the most usual comment and question I hear is “I’ve heard in the Andalusian horse, but I’ve never witnessed one. ..precisely what is an Andalusian horse?” That real question is then usually as well as the second most often asked query that is, “What do Andalusian horses do?” In the following article, I shall try and address these and several other most often asked questions.

Spanish horses have been esteemed for quality and search since Roman times. The Moors invaded Spain in the Seventh Century and brought Barb horses using them. These oriental horses were crossed with quality native Spanish stock, and the result was the Andalusian. In the Middle Ages, the Andalusian was the favored mount for European nobles. The Andalusian would have been a major relation to the Lipizzaner breed in the 1500’s. More recently, it turned out used being a cavalry mount. Its numbers at one time diminished, however nowadays the Andalusian’s appearance and flashy action allow it to be among the world’s most desirable riding horses.

The Andalusian was affected by horses of invading armies, the effect of crossing native mares with Barb stallions. The Barbs were earned through the Moorish dominance of Spain, where selective breeding was over through the Carthusian Monks in the 15th century. The battle to ensure the breed’s purity and survival was very dramatic. In time, they created 3 herds of 100% pure oriental blood. There was NO Arab or other foreign blood used inside development of the Andalusian.

The truth is, though, that the Spanish horse will be the product of the ?rst genetic project ever sold undertaken to be able to get yourself a variety of horses with certain specific morphological and mental characteristics. It began with the Royal Warrant from the 28th of November 1567, by which the king Phillip ll ordered the royal horse master in Cordoba, Diego Lopez de Haro, to purchase 1.200 mares along with the stallions essential to build a new strain of horses that could be obtained through crosses between your various kinds of horses existing in Andalusia at that time. While up till that moment man used to look for specimens that could serve only as ways of transport, attaching little importance to shape, now he embarked over a task to make the type of horse that were idealized since way back when. The model of a horse being obtained was created some 400 years before Christ from the ancient Greeks for example Simon of Athens, Xenophon, and then on by Columella and Saint lsodore of Seville among others, who maintained that this perfect horse should possess features such as “small head, black eyes, tiny and straight ears, ?exible, thick rather than a long time neck, thick mane, wide chest, round belly, elevated movements, long, silky and wavy tail. and round croup”. From then on, this label of horse, inexistent the truth is, was represented on drawings, engravings, paintings, as well as in sculptures by all known civilisations as a possible ideal prototype with an equine. Precisely this model, mythy?ed for more than a thousand years, was normally the one king Phillip II ordered to accomplish in the capital of scotland- Cordoba.

For a short period of time ever, the Andalusian Horse was widely used as being a war horse, ridden fully armored by knights in Europe. Once firearms were introduced though, the Andalusian was adopted by Royalty and became called the Royal Horse of Europe. It is easy to understand why this honor was bestowed upon the attractive and willing Andalusian.

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