The Andalusian can be a Spanish horse. It is also called the Pure Spanish Horse, Purebred Spanish Horse, or Pura Raza Espanol (PRE) since it is referred to by Spanish breeders. It’s ancestors add the primitive Sorraia horse, which around 900 B.C., was when combined horses from Northern Africa. The Sorraia, perhaps the oldest variety of horse, is depicted during the early cave paintings located on the Iberian Peninsula.

info about andalusian jumpingMovement is agile, elevated, extended, harmonious and cadenced. The Andalusian is perfectly suited for dressage and “airs above the ground”, war horse, bullfighter’s horse or western cattle horse. He is fiery and proud, but concurrently docile and tractable. He is showy, elegant, strong and bold. His walk is showy, trot is high-stepping and impulsive, with his fantastic canter is smooth and spectacular.

Since the time of the Greeks, the Iberian horse was regarded as the war horse or cavalry horse without equal. Homer mentions the Iberian horses within the Iliad written about 1,100 BC. The famous Greek cavalry officer Xenophon highly praised the “gifted Iberian horses” and their role in aiding Sparta defeat the Athenians around 450 BC. Hannibal, in the Second Punic War(218-201BC ), defeated the invading Romans several times through the use of Iberian Cavalry. The Romans, however, were ultimately successful inside their conquest with the Iberian peninsula, and, in fact, the Romans subsequently established stud farms in Spain and Portugal to produce horses for their own campaigns in Britain along with other fronts. This military use of the Iberian horse continued unabated with William the Conqueror ultimately riding an Andalusian horse within the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

When heavily armored knights did start to constitute a lot of the military of Europe the Andalusian was briefly displaced as the most widely used war horse. However, following the introduction of firearms, the Iberian horse yet again took over as mount of choice for royalty and cavalry officers. New means of riding were introduced, often utilized by the writings of Xenophon. The Iberian horse was the favorite horse with the new, rapid and agile mounted armies.

Despite their ancient history, all living Andalusians trace to a small number of horses bred by religious orders in the 18th and 19th centuries. An influx of heavy horse blood beginning within the 16th century, resulted inside the dilution of numerous in the bloodlines; the few protected by selective breeding remained intact to become the current Andalusian.

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