pura raza espanola informationThe Pura Raza Espaola (P.R.E.) or Pure Spanish Horse, has become related to the along with the culture of Andalusia since time immemorial. There are cave drawings going back 5,000 BC based in the caves of Altamira and Canforos de Penarubia in northeastern Spain depicting native horses whose body types are remarkably like today’s horse. These drawings depict the predecessors of the Pure Spanish Horse. Originally utilized in warfare, as a way of transport and for other work, the commercial revolution changed his role to that of man’s companion in sport and leisure activities, where he could be one with the leaders inside the Andalusian region. The Pure Spanish Horse may be a fundamental element of Spain from the beginnings and contributes much to your better knowledge and understanding of its landscape, customs the ones.

Movement is agile, elevated, extended, harmonious and cadenced. The Andalusian is perfectly suited for dressage and “airs higher than the ground”, war horse, bullfighter’s horse or western cattle horse. He is fiery and proud, but at the same time docile and tractable. He is showy, elegant, strong and bold. His walk is showy, trot is high-stepping and impulsive, and his awesome canter is smooth and spectacular.

The body of your Andalusian is short and strong, with well-sprung ribs along with a broad chest. The hindquarters are melon-shaped, rounded, and strong. A feature from the Andalusian will be the long, luxuriant and sometimes wavy tail and mane, and the tail is usually not raised extremely high, even if it’s just once the horse is excited. In height this horse measured 15 hands or even a little more. Todays top show horses however exceed this definitely – and also at one time, additionally they lost the type, the typical Andalusian characteristics. The Andalusians head profile is often sub-convex. The forehead is broad and enormous, which has a kind eye. The neck is reasonable long and deep, but elegant; stallions will have a well-formed crest. Shoulders are long and sloping with well-defined withers. Limbs are of medium length but very elegant, strong and clean, along with comparatively long cannon bones, which can make for knee action and elevated movements.

The beautiful Andalusian horse got it’s name from which it originated, inside Province of Andalusia in Spain. It descended from Iberian horses in Spain and Portugal. The Iberian horses from Spain and Portugal are the Andalusian’s ancestors. More recently, there were a split made between the Andalusian and the Lusitano horses, with the Andalusian being Spanish and also the Lusitano being Portuguese. The name “Lusitano” arises from “Lusitania”, which is the old Roman reputation for Portugal.

The height in the Andalusian horses can be between 15.1 to 16.2 hands. Their bright eyes reflect the kindness in the animal. This docile creature has a sense of pride which is sensitive. If you are looking to employ a whip to teach this animal, then you can definitely give up immediately since this animal needs respect more than the whip!! Be patient and kind with this horse and you will probably note that it’s a pleasure to coach it.

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